A. RECEIVING AND FILING the Crenshaw Northern Extension Advanced Alternatives Screening Study; and
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award and execute a 30-month, firm fixed price Contract No. AE64930000 to Connect Los Angeles Partners, a joint venture between WSP USA, Inc. and AECOM Technical Services, Inc., for environmental analysis (CEQA) and advanced conceptual engineering (ACE) in the amount of $50,367,851, subject to resolution of protests, if any. However, only the amount of $2.19M is requested in the FY21 budget for Professional Services in Cost Center 4350 (Special Projects), Project 475558 (Crenshaw Northern Extension). Upon approval of this action, staff will ensure necessary funds are allocated to the project in coherence with the Continuing Resolution until the FY21 budget is adopted in September.